Thrombophilia Dictionary
A protein produced in the blood that fights diseases by attacking and killing harmful bacteria.
A way to thin blood. Medications that can either be given into a blood vessel or as a tablet.
A bacteria or virus that can stimulate the production of antibodies.
The blood vessel that carries oxygen rich blood to the tissues.
Carries blood that contains oxygen to the tissues on a cellular level.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention located in Atlanta, GA. Government health care agency focusing on prevention and treatment of diseases.
Also referred to as Warfarin. A blood-thinning tablet.
Deep Vein Thrombosis:
(DVT) A clot anywhere in the body deep in your veins. When dislodged, it can travel throughout the body.
Factor V Leiden:
The number one clotting disorder. It is inherited. Five percent of Caucasian Americans have it, 1.2% of Afro-Americans. You can either be heterozygous (have one bad gene), or homozygous (have 2 bad genes) or normal (not have any bad genes).
A collection of blood in a body tissue.
Having one bad gene. If you are heterozygous, you have inherited one bad gene from one parent.
Having 2 bad genes. If you are homozygous, you have inherited one bad gene from both parents.
A reaction of the tissues in your body when there is an injury, infection or irritation. Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness and heat.
Low Molecular Weight Heparin, An injectable form of heparin that is given sub-cutaneously (just below the skin). The brand names are Lovenox, Fragmin, Innohep and others. It is used as an alternative to Coumadin for dental work and pregnancy. Or, any other time you need to be anti-coagulated.
Lytic Therapy:
Clot buster medications. Medication names are tPA, Streptokinase, or Urokinase. A very strong medication given in the hospital, injected into the blood stream to break up clots. It carries a risk of bleeding.
A clot that goes into your lungs making it difficult to breathe.
The tendency to clot.
Thrombosis, Thrombus:
Blood clot. Can be either in an artery (leading to stroke, heart attack or gangrene) or in a vein (leading to DVT or PE).
Transient Ischemic
Mini strokes that are transient in nature.
The blood vessel carrying blood away from the tissues (devoid of oxygen). A vessel that carries blood from the capillaries back to the heart.